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PBA Shield

John Nuthall


May 8, 2024

PBA statement on Queens shooting incident

The PBA has issued the following statement regarding the March 27 shooting incident that occurred in the confines of the 102 Precinct in Queens.

NYC PBA President Patrick Hendry said:

“This is a heartbreaking case that underscores the difficult reality police officers face when they respond to many calls. These police officers were faced with an individual who was holding a weapon and endangering multiple people. As the body camera footage makes clear, they were trying to minimize the risks to everyone in that room and were forced to make split-second decisions based on those risks. They deserve a fair investigation based on facts and the law, not demonization by activists who are exploiting this tragedy to advance an anti-police agenda.”

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The Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York (PBA) is the largest municipal police union in the nation and represents nearly 50,000 active and retired NYC police officers.