PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted on Fox 5 News and in amNY: “New Yorkers have been demanding more police presence, both in the subways and in our neighborhoods. But the NYPD simply does not have the staffing to sustain that presence for the long haul everywhere it’s needed. In order for these plans to succeed, we need additional help from Albany to recruit and retain the Finest.”
The PBA president is quoted on Fox 5 news, NBC 4 news, New York 1, PIX 11 news, WINS radio news, WNYC News and in the NY Post, NY Times, Daily News, amNY and Gothamist: “We thank the department’s leadership for listening to our concerns regarding vehicle pursuits, and we welcome the additional clarity for our members on the streets. However, it will be up to the Department to ensure that this policy is applied so that neither police officers nor the public are unnecessarily put at risk.”