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PBA in the News

October 20, 2024
Cop-killer up for parole; outraged daughter says he should be in prison “for the rest of his life”

PBA President Patrick Hendry is  quoted  in the NY Post: “Police Officer Robert Venable was his family’s rock, but now they’re facing an incredibly tough fight without him. We cannot let them fight alone. We need every New Yorker to step up and support them. . . . Send the parole board a message that his killer should never walk free.”

October 2, 2024
“Ridiculous,” says Patrick Hendry, as anti-cop agitator arrested for throwing a flaming hat at NYPD officer’s Brooklyn home tries to get news photogs barred from courtroom

The PBA President is video-recorded and quoted in the NY Post and Daily News: “This individual posted on his social media how he was bragging about intimidating a police officer to leave the department. He’s all over social media. He’s trying to intimidate police officers. And this?! In here?! Saying that he doesn’t want pictures taken is ridiculous.”

October 1, 2024
PBA vows to appeal court decision upholding expanded disciplinary powers for the CCRB

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post and on News 12, Brooklyn: : Hendry called the review board “a rogue agency staffed with anti-police activists on a mission to eradicate any form of effective, proactive policing in New York City. Their ultimate goal is to take full control of the NYPD and drive talented police officers away from this job. Unfortunately, they’re succeeding.”

September 29, 2024
PBA pledges full support for Bronx cop indicted for assault and filing false report

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the Daily News: “Our police officer is entitled to due process and a fair hearing on all of the facts in this case, not knee-jerk condemnation based on the allegations alone. The PBA will continue to support him as this case moves forward.”

September 27, 2024
Anti-police “activist” arrested after tossing flaming hat at NYPD officer’s Brooklyn home

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “This episode is just further proof that these anti-police activists aren’t actually interested in ‘justice’ or ‘accountability’ — they are trying to stop police officers from doing our job by targeting us for harassment or worse. We are following up to ensure that those who terrorized our brother and his family are brought to justice.”

September 26, 2024
Patrick Hendry slams “activists” who targeted Brooklyn home of NYPD officer

The PBA president is quoted in the Daily News: “This episode is just further proof that these anti-police activists aren’t actually interested in ‘justice’ or ‘accountability’ — they are trying to stop police officers from doing our job by targeting us for harassment or worse.” The union wants to make sure “those who terrorized our brother and his family are brought to justice,” Hendry added.

September 24, 2024
Report claims NYPD fails to penalize cops who violate stop-and-frisk rules; Patrick Hendry says that’s “completely at odds with the disciplinary system” as officers experience it

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Times, Daily News and Newsday and on WINS radio and CBS 2 News: “Police officers are still too often second-guessed and penalized for doing the job we were sent out to do. This never-ending monitorship has had over a decade to address the department’s policies and procedures in this area, but the answer always seems to come back to hammering the cops on the streets.”

September 21, 2024
Bodycam video released and Patrick Hendry defends cops, blames perp in subway friendly-fire mishap

The PBA president is quoted in the Daily News and on NBC 4 News: “His actions put our police officers and everyone in that subway station in a horrible, dangerous situation. He is solely responsible for all of the harm caused in this incident. Our hearts go out to the injured civilians and their families. This dangerous career criminal needs to be held accountable for all the pain he has caused.”

September 18, 2024
Patrick Hendry defends police officers in subway friendly-fire mishap

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “This is entire incident was caused by a dangerous repeat offender who brought a weapon into the subway system and used it to attack police officers. His actions forced our police officers to make difficult, split-second decisions in order to stop a potentially deadly threat. He is solely responsible for all of the harm caused in this case.”

September 16, 2024
Officer injured in subway shooting

Patrick Hendry demands change in the criminal justice system. "Why was this dangerous criminal out on the streets?" he demanded to know. His remarks were covered on New York 1, Pix 11 News, ABC 7 News, and News 12 Brooklyn.

September 4, 2024
Teen who participated in Times Square attack on NYPD officers gets year in jail, then deportation

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post and ABC 7 News: "Three-hundred-sixty-four days is not enough. This individual should be behind bars a lot longer. If you attack a New York City police officer, you should stay behind bars. He should be deported-absolutely deported. We're going to continue to be at every court case for every individual who attacked all police officers in this case. We're not going to stop until every single individual who's responsible is behind bars."

August 20, 2024
NYPD cops crowd courtroom to see car thief who tried to mow down cop remanded in custody

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the Daily News and amNY: “Our police officers gave clear commands for this individual to pull over that car and this individual refused to pull over. He then put everyone around him in danger, and he came within feet of running down a young child and an adult. He didn’t think twice about running down a police officer in full uniform in broad daylight.”

August 18, 2024
PBA slams website that features photo of bloody rookie officer who was slugged by repeat offender

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in NY Post: “Shame on these anonymous cop-haters who are hiding behind their computer screens and posting this photo of our injured sister in her most difficult moment. This entire site is an underhanded attempt to smear cops in order to sabotage their personal lives and post-NYPD employment prospects. If the people behind this site don’t see a problem with pumping out unfounded allegations and unflattering photos of police officers, they should subject themselves to the same scrutiny: reveal their identities and allow police officers to hold them accountable and correct the misleading information on their site.”

August 13, 2024
Perp who participated in January Times Square beatdown of NYPD cops is arrested again

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “As we said from the beginning, the individuals who attacked our Times Square brothers have zero respect for the law and can’t be trusted to remain on the street without causing more mayhem. We are glad that he is back behind bars.”

August 13, 2024
Brooklyn EDP bites and beats on two NYPD cops

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in amNY: “This is the environment police officers are up against, where even the most basic call can land us in the hospital. We need both the justice and mental health systems to do their job to prevent this kind of crisis. If someone is going to bite a uniformed police officer, they are dangerous to anyone else they encounter.”

August 11, 2024
Female NYPD cop battered by repeat offender faces “long road to recovery,” says Patrick Hendry

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “I spoke to the officer today. She is in pain but in good spirits. She said she is deeply appreciative of the support she’s getting from her fellow cops and the public. ”

August 11, 2024
State lawmaker proposes bill requiring cops to carry personal liability insurance: “Defund the police in disguise,” says Patrick Hendry

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “In our current environment, police officers already face significant civil and criminal liability for simply doing our jobs. The city frequently decides to settle frivolous suits rather than litigating them. Under this bill, those settlements would hit cops in the pocket. Requiring already underpaid cops to pay for liability insurance will chase away recruits and drive even more experienced cops towards the exits.”

August 10, 2024
Parolee batters female NYPD cop in another case of revolving-door justice

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the lead paragraph of the NY Post editorial: “’This is exactly what happens when the justice system cares more about coddling criminals than backing up cops on the street,’ says Police Benevolent Association chief Patrick Hendry of the disgusting caught-on-video beating of a female NYPD officer while breaking up a fight Thursday in The Bronx, and he’s dead right.” He is also quoted in the Post news story.

August 6, 2024
9/11 families demand swift justice for terrorist mastermind; Patrick Hendry agrees

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “There is an evil right now — around this world — that’s seeing what happens with this case. Ultimate justice needs to happen. The ultimate punishment needs to happen. These families deserve it and our country safety demands it.”

August 3, 2024
Defense secretary revokes plea deal for 9/11 mastermind, putting death penalty back in play

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post, on New York 1 and News12: “…Hendry praised the fallen 9/11 heroes’ families for channeling ‘their anguish and outrage into a powerful message. It’s thanks to their courage that these shameful plea agreements have been reversed.  We are relieved and grateful, but the job is not done yet. As we have said from the beginning, these terrorists who claimed so many innocent lives should receive the ultimate punishment. The safety of our nation demands it, and the long-suffering families of the fallen deserve nothing less.’”

August 3, 2024
Gangbanger who shot two NYPD sergeants charged with multiple crimes

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post and amNY: “We’re grateful that our sergeant brothers are on the road to recovery and the shooter is in custody. But this is yet another repeat offender who thought he could attack police officers and escape justice. We have been in courtroom after courtroom across this city, demanding real consequences for violence against police officers. Our justice system needs to start delivering those consequences – not just when the spotlight is on, but every single time.”

August 1, 2024
Victims’ families and PBA rip plea deal allowing 9/11 mastermind to escape the death penalty

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post and on News Nation, Fox 5 News, and 1010 WINS: “It was heartbreaking and infuriating to get a call from the families of 9/11 heroes who just learned about this plea agreement. Their loved ones’ sacrifice is being disrespected, and they are being victimized all over again.These individuals masterminded an attack on our nation that not only claimed 2,977 lives that day, but has claimed thousands more in the years since. Their crime merits the ultimate punishment. There should be no plea deal and absolutely no leniency.”

July 30, 2024
Teen who participated in attack on NYPD cops in Times Square will serve time in plea deal

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post and SILive: “The sentence should absolutely be longer, but we’re glad that this individual is pleading guilty to a felony and will continue serving time for this brazen attack on our brothers. However, the important test will come once his sentence is up. He needs to be deported immediately upon release, without setting another foot on our city streets. And there are several other defendants who had an even bigger role in this vicious attack whose cases are still pending. We will be watching to make sure they face justice.”

July 25, 2024
NYPD staffing crisis continues; more than 14,000 cops have quit over the last 4 years and fewer than 11,000 have been hired since then

The PBA president is quoted in the Chief-Leader: “The NYPD’s staffing crisis hasn’t improved because we are still losing cops faster than the job can replace them. Hiring a class of 600 recruits doesn’t cut it when we lose more than double that amount in the 6 months it takes them to graduate from the Academy.”

July 23, 2024
Patrick Hendry welcomes the CCRB leader's resignation

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post, Daily News, NY Times, Newsday, amNY and Gothamist : “The PBA has been calling for new appointments to CCRB’s board who can instill fairness in its decision-making processes and bring it in line with its City Charter mandate. Unfair treatment at CCRB doesn’t just destroy police officers’ morale — it jeopardizes public safety by driving even more cops out of the NYPD amid the ongoing staffing crisis.”

July 21, 2024
Parole board releases 42nd cop-killer in seven years; Patrick Hendry calls it “shameful insult” to police officers

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “There needs to be a complete restructuring of the current Parole Board to replace the progressive activists who are looking for any excuse to release these violent cop-killers. We need parole commissioners who will prioritize the pain of the victims of these heinous crimes and keep these menaces to society where they belong – in prison for the rest of their lives.”

July 20, 2024
Court hearing for drunk driving killer of P.O. Emilia Rennhack

FOX 5, NBC 4 and CBS 2 News report from Suffolk County Court yesterday as 102 Pct. police officers and victims’ families stood together to demand justice for our sister P.O. Emilia Rennhack and the three others killed by a drunk driver in Deer Park earlier this month.

July 19, 2024
NYPD funeral honors Bronx recruit who died during training

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in amNY: “As difficult as it is at face value, just losing an officer and a father. Even more unbearable, is that he almost made it to graduation. We’re going to continue to try to find out what happened that day and be there for this family.”

July 14, 2024
Increasing number of cops cite the Bible to keep their beards; Patrick Hendry vows to protect cops’ religious rights, says NYPD has more critical matters to worry about

The PBA president is quoted in the Daily News and on Fox 5 News: “Facial hair has no impact on police officers’ job performance or our public safety mission. The NYPD has far more important issues to worry about, especially the fact that we are understaffed by thousands and losing hundreds of talented cops every month. New Yorkers would rather see a cop with a well-groomed beard patrolling their neighborhood than see no cop at all.”

July 14, 2024
Family “extremely relieved” as killer of NYPD PO Anthony Dwyer is denied parole

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “We are glad that this cop-killer will stay behind bars and this hero family will have some peace of mind for at least another year. We need all New Yorkers to keep speaking up and telling the parole board that cop-killers should never go free.”

July 12, 2024
Manhattan police officer found guilty of misdemeanor in 2021 arrest; Patrick Hendry says verdict would “send a chilling message to every police officer”

The PBA president is quoted in the Daily NewsGothamist and on Pix 11 News: “When our police officer arrived, he attempted to deescalate the situation. That’s when this individual attacked him, threw him to the ground and put his hand around our police officer’s neck…Cops are being violently attacked on the streets every day. If this is what happens when we try to protect ourselves, we won’t be able to protect the public.”

July 10, 2024
NYPD recruit dies during training

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post, Daily News, Newsday, amny, SILive and UPI and on CBS 2 News, NBC 4 News, ABC 7 News, New York 1, News 12 Bronx, and 1010 WINS. “He had the drive and determination necessary to become a New York City police officer, and he was just days away from hitting the streets and making a difference in protecting our city. From the moment a police officer is sworn into the Police Academy, they become part of our Blue Family. Now we must focus on being there for his family as they deal with this unimaginable loss.”

July 8, 2024
Additional coverage as Patrick Hendry joins hundreds of mourners in blue at the funeral of PO Emilia Rennhack

The PBA president is quoted in  amny and, on WINS radio and seen and heard on Newsday TV: “This individual who caused these events made horrible choices that shattered so many lives, turned so many lives upside down…[The drunk driver who caused the accident] should never have been behind the wheel.”

July 7, 2024
PBA president Patrick Hendry joins hundreds of mourners in blue at the funeral of PO Emelia Rennhack

Those photos of our police officer Emilia tell it all." said Hendry. "That infectious smile brought joy to the 102 Precinct stationhouse. She was just a friendly person who was liked by everyone who met her. She was an incredibly hard worker who touched so many lives." See CBS 2 News, Fox 5 News,  News 12 LI, PIX 11 News, and WCBS radio.

July 6, 2024
Hundreds attend wake for NYPD officer killed in nail salon crash

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in Newsday and on News 12 Long Island, New York 1, PIX 11 News, NBC 4 News, and WCBS Radio: "The family is going through an incredibly difficult time and mourning and a loss of an amazing person who's a great police officer for over five years. Her husband's a detective and is going through so many emotions from the loss of his wife and his family in blue is mourning right now."

June 27, 2024
PBA members crowd courtroom as point-blank shooter of 2 NYPD cops is arraigned

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the Daily News, Newsday, ABC 7 News, and Pix 11 News: Hendry calls shooter “a dangerous individual [who] wasn’t afraid to shoot at New York City police officers because he thought he was going to get away with it. Not in this country. We need anyone who attacks a police officer prosecuted to the fullest extent, and then they need to be deported.”

June 13, 2024
NYPD crowds courtroom at hearing for man linked to shooting death of hero cop Jonathan Diller

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in Newsday: “We are not going away. We are going to be there every step of the way to make sure that justice is served for our hero brother Jonathan Diller and his family.”

June 6, 2024
Scores of NYPD oficers attend hearing where teen accused of shooting two cops is arraigned on attempted murder and other charges, held without bail

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the Daily News, Newsday, amny, and on Fox 5 News, CBS 2 News, NBC 4 News, New York 1, and ABC 7 News (before and after hearing): "They both confronted a brazen violent individual who wasn't afraid to carry a gun and shoot to New York City police officers at point blank range. Today this court sent a clear message: That if you attack a New York City police officer, you're going to stay behind bars."

June 4, 2024
Patrick Hendry praises hero cops who survived shooting by teen, and how one was more concerned with his partner’s condition than his own

The PBA president is quoted in the Daily News, NY Post, UPI, Fox 5 News, ABC 7 News, PIX 11 News, 1010 WINS Radio, and WCBS Radio:  In the immediate aftermath, Officer Yarusso “was more concerned about his partner” than his own wound as he used a tourniquet to slow the bleeding from Officer Abreu’s leg.

May 19, 2024
Judge releases knife-wielding maniac who smashed RMP windshield, attacked cops last month

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “This is a deranged repeat offender who specifically targeted police officers for a vicious assault. Anyone who thinks he can be trusted to remain on the street is out of their mind. This is yet another case that shows police officers our justice system doesn’t care about our safety, or the safety of the New Yorkers we protect.”

May 19, 2024
NYPD headcount facing record lows – 200 cops leaving each month

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post : “New York City police officers’ workload has exploded over the past several months, and the staffing is still nowhere close to keeping up. From the daily protest details to additional patrols in the subway, our members are beyond exhausted already – and summertime crime spikes are just around the corner. Squeezing cops for even more overtime hours is not a solution. It will just send even more of them running for the exits.”

May 19, 2024
Family of slain NYPD hero fights cop-killer’s parole

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “If they let this vicious cop killer out of jail, it’s an insult to our hero police officer and his family. He gave his life that day. This family lost everything and this vicious cop killer should stay behind bars where he belongs.” 

May 10, 2024
Teen gets 27 years in prison for Times Square machete attack on NYPD officers; “not enough,” says Patrick Hendry

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Times and on ABC 7 News, CBS 2 News, 1010 WINS Radio, WOR Radio, and WCBS Radio: “But it’s not enough time. This was a brazen, planned attack not only on our police officers, but the heart of our city.”

May 9, 2024
Patrick Hendry defends cops in Queens shooting incident, calls for fairness

The PBA president is quoted in the Daily News and amNY: “This is a heartbreaking case that underscores the difficult reality police officers face when they respond to many calls. These police officers were faced with an individual who was holding a weapon and endangering multiple people,” Hendry said. “As the body camera footage makes clear, they were trying to minimize the risks to everyone in that room and were forced to make split-second decisions based on those risks. They deserve a fair investigation based on facts and the law, not demonization by activists who are exploiting this tragedy to advance an anti-police agenda.”

May 8, 2024
Family, NYPD cops pack courtroom at arraignment of hero Officer Jonathan Diller’s killer

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post and Newsday and on NBC 4 News, Fox 5 News, New York 1, PIX 11 News, CBS 2 News, WABC Radio, WCBS Radio, 1010 WINS Radio, and WOR Radio: “I hope that vicious, violent cop killer took a good look at the crowd in that courtroom because he’s going to see us every time he comes to court. Great husband, great father, just an all-around great family man who loved being a police officer and loves his family.”

May 7, 2024
NYPD academy graduates 576; Patrick Hendry says “we need more”

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “This graduating class provides welcome reinforcements for our overworked members on the streets, but we need more. The NYPD is still understaffed by thousands, hundreds of cops are leaving every month and the challenges we face are growing by the day. New York City must continue to focus on not only recruiting the Finest but also keeping the talented police officers were already have.”

May 4, 2024
Family of slain NYPD Officer Anthony Dwyer pleads with parole board not to release his killer

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the Daily News and News12:  Hendry said the board was “torturing” the Dwyer family by making them relive the tragedy. “How many chances did our hero Officer Anthony Dwyer get when he was dying at the bottom of an air shaft? This is a slap in the face.”

April 26, 2024
NYPD cop found not guilty of assault for punching man at NYC Apple store

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the Daily NewsNY Post, New York 1, ABC 7 News, and WOR radio: “Officer Provenzano was simply doing his job, trying to protect himself and the public from an individual who has repeatedly caused mayhem in places of business. Manhattan prosecutors need to stop wasting time and resources targeting cops over nonsense and start working with us to address real public safety issues.”

April 23, 2024
Top-rated NYPD cops to get $12K more in pensions as city tries to slow staff exodus

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post:  “We have lost far too many of our most talented, experienced police officers to retirement or other policing jobs with better benefits and a better quality of life. We’re grateful to all of the elected officials in Albany and City Hall who supported this common-sense retention incentive, which will help keep some of our best cops on the job.”

April 21, 2024
Killer of hero NYPD Officer Anthony Dwyer denied parole – but gets another chance in two months

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “It is absolutely insane that this cop-killer gets another shot at freedom just a few weeks after being denied.”

April 17, 2024
NYPD officer on trial for punching disorderly perp in Apple store; Patrick Hendry says case “should never had been brought to trial”

The PBA president is quoted in Gothamist: “New Yorkers are sick and tired of repeat offenders causing mayhem inside our retail establishments. The justice system should focus on helping us address those public safety concerns, rather than prosecuting police officers for doing their job."

April 17, 2024
NYPD cops crowd the courtroom for latest arraignment in killing of Officer Jonathan Diller

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the Daily News, Gothamist, and Newsday: “We’re going to continue to pack these courtrooms to make sure that there’s justice for our hero brother Jonathan Diller. This individual was arrested for an illegal firearm in that car. And he still, as you see in the courtroom, is not taking responsibility for it. Less than a year ago, he was arrested for an illegal firearm. Why was he back on the streets?”

April 7, 2024
DA asks Bronx judge to set bail on gun-and-drug charges; instead, jurist releases suspect — again

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “Our failing criminal justice system is creating an incredibly dangerous environment for both cops and the communities we protect. Judges have the authority to keep criminals who attack cops or carry illegal guns off the streets. They are finding every excuse not to use it. New York City police officers are doing our job. Judges need to start doing theirs.”

April 2, 2024
Cops pack courtroom for indictments in shooting death of hero cop Jonathan Diller

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post and Newsday and on NBC 4 News, CBS 2 News, Fox 5 News and WABC Radio: “Our criminal justice system is broken. We said it many times. The change needs to start now in this case. It has to start now.”

April 2, 2024
More coverage of Jonathan Diller’s funeral

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the Chief-Leader:  “We’re praying still, wishing that somehow, some way, we could bring Jonathan back home. And we feel that way, because we’re New York City police officers, saving people’s lives, helping people. It’s in our DNA. It’s what we do, it’s what Jonathan did, too.”

March 30, 2024
Funeral today for hero NYPD Officer Jonathon Diller

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in Newsday: “As police officers, we know we have an incredibly difficult job. But there's nothing harder than losing one of our own. And there's nothing harder than seeing a family at the hospital in this week, devastated, and it's our job as police officers to be there for this family in any way possible. Our police officers across this city are heartbroken, and we're going to be there for this family every step of the way.”

March 28, 2024
Driver also charged in murder of NYPD Officer Jonathon Diller; Patrick Hendry says he is “just as responsible”

The PBA president is interviewed on New York 1, CBS 2 News, ABC 7 News, Fox 5 News, News 12 Long Island, PIX 11 News, Telemundo, WCBS News Radio, and 1010 WINS Radio: “The road to justice for our hero brother starts here today…They were career criminals and they did know each other. He is just as responsible as the person who pulled that trigger.”

March 27, 2024
Family mourns murdered NYPD hero Jonathan Diller

The PBA president is quoted in the Daily News: “Why did this violent individual with a gun have no fear to shoot a New York City police officer? These attacks on New York City police officers have to end right now!”

March 26, 2024
NYPD officer shot dead by career criminal during traffic stop; Patrick Hendry says attacks on cops “have to end now”

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post and Newsday and on NBC 4 News, New York 1, CBS 2 News, ABC 7 News, PIX 11 News, Fox 5 News and 1010 WINS: “Our hero police officer confronted this dangerous individual knowing that he was putting himself at risk, knowing that he had a family waiting for him at home. But he did it to protect the people of this city and we need every single New Yorker to be with this family. These attacks on New York City police officers have to end right now. We have a family upstairs that’s devastated. We have police officers in this hallway who lost a brother. It has to end now.”

March 22, 2024
It took six cops 15 minute to arrest one fare-beater; Patrick Hendry says we need more cops

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “As we saw last year, additional police presence in the subways drives crime down. But it is just not sustainable to rely on overtime to provide that presence. There just aren’t enough cops, period.”

March 20, 2024
Patrick Hendry defends cops named in Legal Aid Society report on most lawsuit payouts

The PBA president Patrick Hendry is quoted in amny: “Lawsuit data is not a reliable indicator of how police officers perform their duties. Lawsuits are frequently settled for reasons that have nothing to do with the actions of a specific police officer named in the suit, including cases where city settles rather than fighting a frivolous suit in court.”

March 19, 2024
Family of fallen cop Anthony Dwyer devastated that his killer may soon go free; Patrick Hendry condemns the possibility

In the NY Post, PBA President Patrick Hendry said: “It is a travesty that this hero family has to keep reopening their wounds every few months, because the facts of the case will never change. P.O. Anthony Dwyer was a hero police officer who was murdered protecting this city. The individual who took Anthony’s life is a cop-killer — and always will be. Those facts were true a year ago, and they will still be true in three months or 30 years.”

March 15, 2024
More media reports on NYPD staffing crisis

PBA President Patrick Hendry is featured on News12 Brooklyn: “No one is becoming an NYPD police officer right now for the long term,” he tells the news channel. “They’re taking it for a stepping stone to get something better — something with better salary, pensions, quality of life. We need to keep our highly skilled, highly trained police officers right here in New York City.”

March 14, 2024
CBS 2 News Deep Dive on NYPD Staffing

PBA President Patrick Hendry and overworked police officers sit down with CBS 2 News’ Jennifer Bisram to discuss the NYPD staffing crisis and the PBA-backed pension equity proposals in Albany to help #KeepOurCops.

March 7, 2024
As Hochul announces plan to send troopers, national guard to help patrol subways, Patrick Hendry stresses the need for more cops

The PBA president is quoted in on New York 1, ABC 7 News and 1010 WINS Radio: "The NYPD is understaffed by thousands, and hundreds more cops are leaving each month. We need long-term solutions to keep our most talented, experienced police officers on patrol, both underground and on the streets."

February 24, 2024
Suspect in infamous Black Liberation Army killing of NYPD cops gets parole; Patrick Hendry calls it “infuriating”

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “Even 52 years later, it is still infuriating that this individual managed to escape accountability for assassinating Police Officers Gregory Foster and Rocco Laurie. He should still be serving time for that crime, not to mention the crimes he committed later. He and his murderous accomplices showed no mercy when they assassinated our hero brothers. He deserves none now.”

February 22, 2024
Drunk-driver who killed NYPD officer Anastasios Tsakos sentenced to up to 27 years in prison

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in Newsday and Gothamist and on ABC 7 News, Fox 5 News, News 12 Long Island, New York 1, 1010 WINS Radio and WCBS Radio: “Today is justice, but it is not a day of joy or closure for this family, who has to deal with pain of his loss every single day.This is heartbreaking for this family. We are going to for this family, for anything they might need, at any time and we will always honor our hero brother, Anastasios Tsakos in the future.”

February 19, 2024
Record 5,363 NYPD cops assaulted in 2023; disturbing trend continued on Saturday night

PBA president Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post and amny: “Even the simplest summonses are turning into all-out brawls. Our justice system needs to send a clear message, once and for all — if you assault a police officer, you will stay in jail … If you attack a police officer, it’s attacking all New Yorkers and it needs to be treated that way.”

February 17, 2024
Five more suspects arraigned, held on bail in Times Square beatdown of NYPD cops

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post, Daily News, and Gothamist and on Fox 5 News, ABC 7 News, CBS 2 News, New York 1, PIX 11 News, 1010 WINS Radio, WOR Radio, and WCBS Radio: "Our criminal justice system did its job. These individuals are all behind bars where they belong. They should've never been released. The DA in the case should've requested bail. The judge should've kept them behind bars."

February 16, 2024
Eighth suspect arraigned in beatdown of NYPD cops held on $100K cash bail; Patrick Hendry vows to hold justice system accountable

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post and Daily News and on ABC 7 News, CBS 2 News, Fox 5 News, and 1010 WINS Radio: “They have no regard for the law. They have no regard for police officers. They’re just trying to stay out in the streets of the city of New York and commit crimes. We’re going to hold this criminal justice system — from the top all the way down — accountable. Part of it is being in these courtrooms to make sure that these individuals are held accountable for what they did that day.”

February 15, 2024
Teen released after participating in Jan. 27 beatdown of NYPD cops arraigned for shoplifting

The PBA president is quoted on ABC 7 News, CBS 2 News, NBC 4 News, Fox 5 News, 1010 WINS Radio and WCBS News Radio: "Those who attack NYC police officers have zero respect for the law. This is EXACTLY what happens when our justice system fails to hold them accountable - they are emboldened to victimize other New Yorkers. He needs to be put back behind bars ... and kept there...Until every single one of these individuals are brought in and are behind bars, justice won't be served. Every minute that they're out in the streets of the city of New York, is a worry that every New Yorker has to worry about. They are a danger to everyone.”

February 12, 2024
One of hero cop Eddie Byrne’s assassins denied parole; Patrick Hendry vows, “Our work isn’t done.”

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post and Silive and on PIX 11 News, 1010 WINS Radio, WNYC Radio, and WCBS Radio: “We are relieved to learn that this vicious cop-killer will remain behind bars for now, but our work isn’t done. Two of his murderous accomplices are up for parole later this year. We need New Yorkers to keep sending a message to the Parole Board: if you murder a New York City police officer, you must live out the rest of your days in a prison cell.”

February 12, 2024
Patrick Hendry calls record-breaking assaults on NYPD cops a “full-blown epidemic”

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post and on WABC Radio and WOR Radio: “Well over 5,000 cops were attacked and injured last year – that’s not only a record, it’s a full-blown epidemic. The vicious attacks on police officers we’ve seen recently didn’t come out of nowhere. This dangerous environment has been building for years. . . . It’s not going to get better until those who attack police officers are consistently prosecuted and kept in jail. And that won’t happen unless New Yorkers keep speaking up to demand an end to the chaos.”

February 11, 2024
Teen in Times Square shooting charged as adult; Patrick Hendry says city has to do better

The PBA president is quoted in amny and the NY Post and on NBC 4 News, ABC 7 News,  CBS 2 News, and Telemundo: “We’re thankful that the tourist who was injured the other day is recovering. This can’t be the message that we’re sending the world… that you can’t do some shopping without getting shot. But unfortunately, that’s the message that’s being sent on the street.” 

February 8, 2024
Patrick Hendry warns of pitfalls and calls judge’s ruling upholding city’s new plan for policing protests “misguided”

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post, NY TimesNewsday, amny, and Gothamist and on ABC 7 News, CBS 2 News, New York 1, News 12 Bronx, WNYC Radio, and WCBS Radio: “The next time a peaceful protest is hijacked by rioters, the next time our roads, bridges or subways are shut down by agitators, New Yorkers should remember that their city chose to encourage these disruptions by signing onto this misguided settlement.”

February 6, 2024
Two attackers freed without bail in latest of three recent attacks on cops; Patrick Hendry urges New Yorkers to “stand with us”

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “As we saw here today, a judge allowed two individuals who assaulted New York City police officers back on the streets of New York City. Police officers are being assaulted every single day across this city. We cannot allow these assaults to be just another statistic. We need all New Yorkers to stand with us, to demand better from the criminal justice system.”

February 5, 2024
Patrick Hendry questions NYPD plans to “go old school” by banning cops’ facial hair and changing uniforms

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post, and on Fox 5 News, PIX 11 News, 1010 WINS Radio and WCBS Radio: “The NYPD is understaffed by thousands of police officers and hundreds more are leaving every month. The department has much bigger issues to tackle. Is it really time to focus on beards and necktie?”

February 5, 2024
Patrick Hendry denounces the latest assault on NYPD officer

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “These assaults on police officers are happening every single day, but we’re not going to let them disappear into the statistics any longer. We want New Yorkers to understand exactly what their cops are up against. We need them to hold their elected leaders and the entire justice system accountable. That is the only way the dangerous environment on our streets will change.”

February 4, 2024
Patrick Hendry applauds professionalism of police officers who stopped Councilman who was stopped for car’s tinted windows

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “They used courtesy and appropriate discretion to handle the situation professionally, just as cops across this city do thousands of times each day. This incident should not have been turned into a political football.”

February 2, 2024
Hendry on Good Day New York

PBA President Patrick Hendry appears on Fox 5 News Good Day New York to discuss the disturbing assault on police officers in Times Square and the City Council’s police paperwork bill.

February 2, 2024
Sixth suspect nabbed in Times Square assault on cops; Patrick Hendry says this time “justice system worked”

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post and amny and on CBS 2 News, Fox 5 News, New York 1, 1010 WINS Radio, and WOR Radio: “We packed the court room today to support our brother police officer and our Lieutenant, who were repeatedly attacked by a gang on the street, punched repeatedly, kicked our police officer and fled the scene. PBA President Patrick Hendry said in a statement after the arraignment. Today the justice system worked. The individual is being held on bail but we had to ask the question why did these 4 individuals be released on their own recognizances. Why are they not in jail right now?...Our criminal system is upside down. What message does it send to every New York City police officer, who is on the streets of the city of New York every single day risking their lives to protect New Yorkers? If we’re not protected, how are we going to protect the people in the neighborhoods?”

February 1, 2024
NYPD response times hit record highs; Patrick Hendry blames “new burdens” on cops

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “These new response time numbers are a sign that the NYPD staffing emergency has reached critical levels. As our headcount plummets, it’s taking us longer and longer to respond to the most urgent and serious crimes in progress. Our elected leaders should be working with us to tackle this crisis — not piling on new burdens.”

January 31, 2024
NYC Council overrides mayor’s veto of How Many Stops bill; Patrick Hendry warns of pitfalls

The PBA president is quoted in the Daily News and on NBC 4 News, PIX 11 News, News 12 Brooklyn, CBS 2 News, WABC Radio, 1010 WINS Radio, and WOR Radio: “New York City police officers will comply with the new law and do the job the way the City Council wants it done. Despite the increased workload and the NYPD’s critically low staffing levels, we will continue to protect our communities to the best of our ability. Ultimately, it will be City Council members – not PBA members – who must answer for rising 911 response times and diminished police presence in our neighborhoods.”

January 31, 2024
Cops beaten by mob, who are then released without bail; Patrick Hendry calls assaults on NYPD cops an "epidemic," slams "revolving-door justice system.

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post. Daily News and amny and on CBS 2 News, ABC 7 News, Fox 5 News, and 1010 WINS Radio: “Attacks on police officers are becoming an epidemic, and the reason is a revolving door we’re seeing in cases like this one. It is impossible for police officers to deal effectively with crime and disorder if the justice system can’t or won’t protect us while we do that work.”

January 31, 2024
Patrick Hendry tells Spectrum News that PBA needs pension parity to bolster recruitment and retention

The PBA president is quoted on New York 1: “Our members are overworked, understaffed, not being able to get days off, not being able to get meals. Just the other day, we lost 30 police officers to the MTA. We’re losing police officers every single day, over 200 a month. We can’t sustain this for the long run.” 

January 30, 2024
In federal court, PBA argues against city’s deal on policing protests; Patrick Hendry calls proposal “dangerous”

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post:  “Today, our city is enduring almost daily disruptions to its critical infrastructure by agitators whose stated goal is to prevent New Yorkers from going about their business in peace. The settlement is not only dangerous for the PBA members assigned to protests — it is also dangerous for peaceful protestors and the public at large. The court must reject it.”

January 29, 2024
Patrick Hendry demands apology from Council member and others who baselessly claimed officers gave no reason for car stop

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post and the Daily News: “This Council member and every other elected official who baselessly smeared our police officers owe them an apology.”

January 21, 2024
Another killer in notorious NYPD cop Eddie Byrne assassination up for parole; Patrick Hendry declares “that must not happen”

The PBA president is quoted by the NY Post: “We have kept returning to that scene, year after year because we made a promise that his death would not be in vain. We were disgusted and outraged when Scott Cobb was released last year — that must not happen again. Eddie Byrne deserves better, his hero family deserves better, and the law-abiding people in this city deserve better.”

January 20, 2024
Video shows shocking moment motorist intentionally plows into NYPD cop; Patrick Hendry says driver is under-charged

The PBA president is quoted by the NY Post and on PIX 11 News and Fox 5 News: “We’re glad that this individual is being kept in jail, but we don’t understand why she isn’t being charged with attempted murder.”

January 17, 2024
Two NYPD cops shot in Bklyn; Patrick Hendry says perps feel “emboldened”

The PBA president is quoted by the NY Post and on CBS 2 News, New York 1, and PIX 11 News: “’Our system is broken, at every step of the way our criminal justice system is broken and it needs to change,’ said Hendry, who vowed the union would push to see the suspect remain behind bars.”

January 11, 2024
As Mayor Adams rolls back planned NYPD budget cuts, Patrick Hendry says more should be done to incentivize current cops to stay

The PBA president is quoted on Pix 11 News, CBS 2 News, 1010 WINS, and in the NY Post: “We’re happy to hear that the city is funding another Police Academy class, but the NYPD can’t hire its way out of its staffing crisis. Nearly 3,000 more cops quit or retired last year. Those who remain are stretched beyond their breaking point.”

January 9, 2024
Interview with Patrick Hendry

PBA President Patrick Hendry on speaks to WABC77’s Cats & Cosby about the dysfunctional justice system that keeps putting a parole-violating cop-killer back on the street and provides update on the NYPD staffing crisis.

January 7, 2024
Patrick Hendry demands freed cop-killer be "put back behind bars for good"

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post and WABC radio: “The revolving door in this case is an absolute travesty to our justice system. Legal Aid’s own filing for the release of this cop killer clearly shows that he is incapable of leading a law-abiding life and that he has no business being released into a civilized society. Joseph Keegan’s family shouldn’t have to see his killer get free pass after free pass. The courts need to stop this charade and put him back behind bars for good.”

January 5, 2024
Cops still quitting in record numbers and Patrick Hendry proposes legislation to encourage them to stay

The PBA president is quoted in Newsday: “Our city is facing many challenges but understaffing and overworking our police officers will make all of them worse. The public safety progress we have made over the past year is the result of police officers working inhumane numbers of hours — we cannot sustain that. Our leaders need to focus on keeping the dedicated, talented cops we already have to prevent both the NYPD’s headcount and the safety of our neighborhoods from slipping any further.”

January 4, 2024
NYC crime may be down but Patrick Hendry condemns skyrocketing assaults on cops

The PBA president is quoted in Newsday and CBS 2 News: “New York City police officers are getting viciously attacked and injured because of the message on the streets. The message is that the system favors criminals over cops. Criminals who assault police officers are seeing no jail time, while cops are getting buried with paperwork and hammered with civilian complaints for doing our job.”

January 3, 2024
With NYPD crime stats a mixed bag, Patrick Hendry warns of the dangers of understaffing and “inhumane” work hours

The PBA president is quoted in Newsday: “Our city is facing many challenges, but understaffing and overworking our police officers will make all of them worse. The public safety progress we have made over the past year is the result of police officers working inhumane numbers of hours — we cannot sustain that.”
