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PBA in the News

March 11, 2025
Son of murdered NYPD cop pleads with parole board not to release his father’s killer

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in SILive: “Police Officer Gerard Carter was a hero who never got a second chance at life. It is absolutely shameful that this three-time killer gets a fresh chance at freedom every few years. The time between parole hearings should be lengthened to minimize the trauma on suffering family members...”

March 5, 2025
Perp convicted of attacking NYPD cops in Times Square sentenced to prison; Patrick Hendry says it’s not enough

The PBA president is quoted in amNY:  “We’re glad that this vicious cop-basher is staying behind bars, but a few years in jail aren’t going to change him. He attacked two New York City police officers while he was out on supervised release for a previous crime. He has zero respect for the law and cannot be allowed back on our streets. If he’s in the country illegally, he needs to be deported immediately upon completing his sentence.”

March 2, 2025
Killer of NYPD Officer Cecil Sledge up for parole; Patrick Hendry calls process “torture for the families”

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “It is shameful that they are forced to deliver their victim impact statement to a random parole board member who may not be on the panel deciding the case. Every parole board member who sits on the panel should be required to look these grieving families in the eye and hear their story before they vote to put another ruthless cop-killer back on the streets.”

February 27, 2025
NYPD reduces college credit requirements in bid to ease staffing crisis

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the New York Times, NY Post, and Newsday: “Tweaking the hiring standards alone won’t solve the NYPD’s staffing crisis. New York City is competing with other departments that not only have lower education requirements but also offer other benefits and better quality of life. Even those who do choose the NYPD will continue to view it as a stepping stone to a better policing job. Instead of another Band-Aid, New York City needs to look at long-term solutions and incentives that will help us recruit and retain the finest.” 

February 23, 2025
Hendry Interview on Staffing Crisis

PBA President Patrick Hendry sits down with CBS 2 News’ Marcia Kramer to discuss the NYPD Staffing Crisis and the reasons cops are quitting, including our crushing workload, constant second-guessing, lack of support from the justice system and inferior benefits to other police departments across the state.

February 21, 2025
Perp who slugged female NYPD cop and then was released on lowered bail rearrested for slugging woman in random Times Square attack

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “Nobody should be surprised that a dangerous repeat offender who attacked a police officer in full uniform would turn around and attack a defenseless New Yorker. The only mystery here is why he was allowed back on the streets. This case is just more proof that those who assault police officers need to be kept behind bars.”

February 20, 2025
Patrick Hendry, NYC workers, commuters praise Trump’s axing of congestion pricing tolls

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “As we’ve said from the beginning, police officers shouldn’t be forced to dig deeper into their own pockets just to report for duty. The congestion tax is just one more factor driving talented police officers away from the NYPD at a time when we can least afford it. We welcome any change that will reduce the burden on our members.”

February 18, 2025
NYPD, facing recruitment and retention crisis, considers lowering college requirement

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in Newsday: "Lowering the education requirement won’t solve the NYPD’s staffing crisis," Hendry said, adding New York City is competing with other police departments with lower education requirements, better benefits and quality of life. No matter the education level, police choose other departments or use NYPD jobs as a stepping stone to better jobs.

February 13, 2025
CCRB report says body-worn cameras improve quality of investigations; Patrick Hendry says CCRB is “infected with anti-police bias”

The PBA president is quoted in  Newsday: "When reading this report, New Yorkers should keep in mind what CCRB is not telling them. This report doesn’t specify how many taxpayer dollars CCRB has spent actively soliciting and harvesting complaints against police officers. It doesn’t disclose how many cases were generated by CCRB itself, without any civilian complainant."

February 13, 2025
Deranged perp slashes and bites cops trying to arrest him

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in amNY: “New Yorkers want police officers to get a handle on the disorder in the subways, but they need to understand what we’re up against. Right now, both the justice system and the mental health system aren’t backing us up, and it’s putting both cops and the public at risk. In order to make real progress, both systems need to change.”

February 11, 2025
Report claims NYPD misconduct complaints surge but many cases dismissed

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in  Gothamist: “Every step of CCRB’s process is infected with anti-police bias. This report is in no way a reflection on the men and women who protect this city every day. Police officers have zero confidence in the fairness or accuracy of CCRB’s findings in this report, and New Yorkers shouldn’t have any confidence in them, either.”

February 4, 2025
Officers Flee as NYPD Confronts Its Billion-Dollar Overtime Problem

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Times: “The NYPD. is not viewed as a dream job. Many police officers are using it as a steppingstone to another department where they can find better benefits and a better quality of life.”

February 4, 2025
Report says NYPD anti-gun units making disproportionate illegal stops

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the Daily News: “From the very beginning of the stop, question and frisk case, police officers on the street have been saddled with most of the blame and punishment for a problem we didn’t create. The monitor should focus its attention on the NYPD’s management and supervisors, rather than the police officers who are carrying out their directives.”

February 4, 2025
Perp pleads guilty, sentenced to year in prison in Times Square brawl last year that left cops injured

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in amNY: “This sentence is just one more step towards justice in this case, and it sends exactly the message we need: if you attack a New York City police officer, you’ll do real time.”

February 2, 2025
PBA warns that facial recognition tool obtained by anti-cop database will be weaponized to harass NYPD officers; union sends cease-and-desist letter

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “These activists are against any kind of technology that helps catch criminals, but they’ll use those same tools to target police officers. It’s hypocrisy at our Finest.”

January 25, 2025
On Fraunces Tavern bombing 50th anniversary victims’ families demand extradition from Cuba of terrorist behind the blast, while Patrick Hendry calls for extradition of cop-killers

The PBA president is quoted in the NY Post: “This notorious person who started this is still out and still hiding to this day. And to make matters worse, he’s not hiding alone — he’s hiding with one of the most notorious cop killers in the United States. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, doesn’t matter if it’s 20 years, 50 years, 100 years, there is no expiration on justice.”

January 25, 2025
Another cop-killer released; cop’s family outraged, PBA seeks parole board members’ secret voting records

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “It appears that parole board has far too many pro-criminal activists whose intention is to release cop-killers. Many of these board members are hold-overs whose terms expired years ago. It’s time to clean house.”

January 23, 2025
Veteran 75 Pct. cop dies after medical episode, hitting head on icy ground while off-duty

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “Police Officer Hector Dillon was a hard-working and motivated cop who dedicated his life to helping others.He didn’t just serve this city in uniform – on his own time, he was studying to advance his career and help more people. Our hearts break for the family and friends he leaves behind, and we will be there to support him in any way we can.”

January 17, 2025
Gov. Hochul promises $77M in overtime to put cops on overnight subway; PBA warns of inadequate staffing

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted on Fox 5 News and in amNY: “New Yorkers have been demanding more police presence, both in the subways and in our neighborhoods. But the NYPD simply does not have the staffing to sustain that presence for the long haul everywhere it’s needed. In order for these plans to succeed, we need additional help from Albany to recruit and retain the Finest.”

January 16, 2025
PC Tisch announces changes to NYPD vehicle pursuit rules; Patrick Hendry approves

The PBA president is quoted on Fox 5 news, NBC 4 news, New York 1PIX 11 news, WINS radio news, WNYC News and in the NY Post, NY Times, Daily News, amNY and  Gothamist: “We thank the department’s leadership for listening to our concerns regarding vehicle pursuits, and we welcome the additional clarity for our members on the streets. However, it will be up to the Department to ensure that this policy is applied so that neither police officers nor the public are unnecessarily put at risk.”

January 4, 2025
Number of NYPD applicants has plummeted as department strives to hire 1,600 officers

PBA President Patrick Hendry is quoted in the NY Post: “Right now, potential recruits know that a career in the NYPD means enduring more work, more risk, more pressure and more scrutiny, in exchange for fewer benefits and lower pay than almost any other policing job. Our city needs to balance the scales — by both reducing the burdens on cops and boosting compensation — in order to compete for the top recruits.”
